...to Moray Complementary Therapies.
If you're looking for a complementary health practitioner located in the Moray area, you're on the right page. Our directory is updated twice-yearly to ensure that the information is current.
If you're searching for bodywork, psychotherapy/counselling services or different varieties of healing please take a look at our listings. We encourage you to ask for any details of which you're unsure, about training, qualifications, treatment practice, fees, insurance, professional memberships etc.
Many of our practitioners are able to offer COVID-safe options to work with them. Please check individual practitioner websites (listed on their profile) for the most up to date information.

“I think therefore I am”. Therapies that work with the cognitive and thinking part of who we are allow us to bring understanding, and healing, to our life experiences.

A healthy body is essential for wellbeing. Therapies that engage the body, and the senses, can help us maintain, or re-align, the physical container that we rely on to carry us through life.

There is an aspect of each of us which goes beyond what can be seen or rationalised. Many complementary therapies work with these elements to bring balance to the whole being.
Recruiting: Part-time Secretary to the Group
Are you our new Secretary? This is a straightforward admin role for 18 – 25 hours per year.
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